Study Skills

Tutor – Julie Snow

Course Description

Study skills level the playing field for all students. This class will help our responsible students become more engaged in their learning and become more efficient when they study or do homework. And it will help students who have traditionally struggled with school get
organized, study smarter, and take control of their own learning so they can discover success in
school. Organization and consistent use of a planner, goal setting, note taking, organizing research, presenting and study strategies will all be covered. The most important portion of this class is the students use of the tools and strategies learned outside of class time. Consistency is key.

Required Text

No text is required

Tutor will provide handouts throughout the course that will cover the various topics

Each student will be given a planner the first day of class. (Cost TBA)

Grade Level

This class is recommended for 7th – 12th graders.

Additional Materials Needed for Class

  • Loose leaf notebook paper
  • 1 1/2″ binder with dividers labeled for each of their class subjects
  • A file box for home – This should contain one file folder for each class. This is where your student will keep their work for the year.