Critical Thinking

Tutor – Eric Rutherford

Course Description

Whether you examine the cells of the human body or stare through a telescope at the heavens above, God’s creation cries out as being logically and meticulously made. As image-bearers of God, He gave us the ability to think and reason critically.

The goal of this class will be to equip each student with tools and understanding to evaluate arguments logically and critically. As they hone their critical thinking skills, students will also learn about logical fallacies and how to identify them both in their own writitings and conversations, as well as in media and popular culture.

Required Text

Textbook: The Fallacy Detective: Workbook Edition by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn, ISBN: 9780974531571

Available from Amazon or

Prerequisites / Grade Levels

9th-12th grades

Difficulty Level

The difficulty level for this class is “average”. Average study time for this class will be approximately 4-5 hours per week. This does not include in-class time.