Tutor Commitments

We do not want to standardize the special genius that each tutor brings to his/her classes. Standardization can produce mediocrity. We do however, desire a set of organizational guidelines that clarify what we expect in our tutorial. Tutors may have personal preferences for their classrooms and assignments that are variations of these guidelines. 

Syllabus and Purple Parent Page

  • Tutors will PROVIDE A SYLLABUS for each class that contains assignments for 32 weeks of classes. (Tutors have the option of using quarterly, semester, or yearly syllabi formats.)  This should be provided on Orientation Day. Weekly assignments should specify reading assignments, all writing assignments, research papers, maps and projects. Test dates should be listed. It is understood that some elective/performance type courses may not be able to schedule specific lessons for each week as the students will have varying skill levels when entering your classes. Tutors in this case will provide a guide sheet showing expectations/goals for the class.
  • Tutors will provide Purple Parent Page on Orientation Day that outlines relevant parent information for each class. This should include:
    • an explanation and breakdown of assignments or tests that parents will be responsible for grading or administering
    • how and when families should contact the tutor
    • information and fees on outside tutoring 
    • and any other information the tutor deems relevant to parents   

Classroom Expectations

  • Classes are expected to begin on time and last 1 hour and 10 minutes with 5 minutes in between classes. Quizzes during the first 5 minutes create a natural consequence for tardiness and help focus attention. 
  • Discussions led by tutors should be limited to the material being covered in class. We only have 1 hour and 10 minutes a week to teach and discuss. That unfortunately limits leisurely chats to lunchtime or before/after classes.
  • Students should never be dismissed early. Tutors should be prepared to utilize all of the allotted time for instruction, review or test taking. Classes should not end early, but if they do, please keep students in the classroom until dismissal time. Excess noise in the hall is disruptive to other classes.
  • Tutors will curate an environment conducive to learning in their classrooms and students who are disruptive may be referred to the office.
  • Most classes are five to twelve students with a maximum of sixteen students.  In special cases, exceptions may be granted by the tutor (and as space allows) for larger or smaller classes.
  • Tutors will have a substitute plan in the event of illness or other emergency. 
  • Tutors may allow any parent to sit in to observe a class if it is not deemed disruptive to the classroom environment.
  • Tutors will enforce and uphold all RTA rules and regulations noted in the RTA handbook.

Homework and Grades

  • All work that is not written into the syllabus will be assigned on Mondays. No new assignments will be given after Monday’s class period. If the assignment is not written into the syllabus, tutors are encouraged to put the assignment in writing via email or Toolbox. One week of assignments may be assigned over the Christmas Break.
  • All makeup work will be collected by the tutor and Quarterly Grades will be posted on Toolbox within a week of the end of each quarter.
  • Notes to parents at the end of each quarter may include information about absences, tardies, class participation, class preparation, and anything pertaining to academic work. We are preparing students for college. Self-discipline is an important part of that.
    • The RTA Grading Scale is:
    • A = 93-100
    • B = 85-92
    • C = 75-84
    • D = 65-74
    • F = Below 65
  • Tutors will hold students accountable to turn in assignments and students who do not turn work in on time should see that reflected in their grades.
  • Extra credit is given at the discretion of the tutor.

Absences – Late Work

  • If a student misses 3 days in the first semester (the first two quarters), he/she should be referred by the tutor to the RTA Board to determine whether the student may return to class.
  •  If a student is missing class repeatedly (more than just occasionally) due to illness, parents should contact the RTA Board to discuss options. Students should be in class, in person. Repeated absences can become such a hindrance to the tutor that dismissal from the class may be necessary.
  • Late work should not be accepted from a student unless contacted prior to class by a parent having a reasonable excuse. Make-up work should not be accepted more than a week after an absence.
  • Should late work become a problem with any student, parents will be contacted. Should there be no improvement, the student will be referred to the RTA Board for academic probation.  If the problem remains, this will result in dismissal without refund of tuition. 

Disciplinary Action – Academic Probation – Dismissal

  • The RTA Board will be notified by a tutor if there is a problem with unexplained absences/tardies, poor test performance, suspected cheating, lack of class participation (including excessive absences), disruptive behavior, repeated late work, or poor grades. Disciplinary Action will be recommended for repeat offenders. This action serves as a warning precursor to dismissal. 
  • Tutors have the right to refuse to tutor a student who behaves inappropriately or disrespectfully or one who repeatedly does not complete the course work assigned.